What does Alemus stand for?

Our work is built around a strong belief that independent, highly skilled, bespoke support can make a significant difference, whether you are a senior professional taking on a new role, a delivery team, or a board in charge of a complex organisation.

We work across the public and private sectors, reflecting the breadth of our team’s experience, and bring in depth experience of the health and care sectors.

Our ethos — bespoke, independent, highly skilled — underpins all we do. The name ‘Alemus’ comes from the Latin verb ‘alere’, meaning to nourish or nurture; we exist to enable our clients to be highly effective without long term support from us.

What is unique to our approach is the highly bespoke nature of our work, underpinned by a set of well proven tools and techniques. We work in partnership with you to understand your issues, and to design and deliver the support you need. We guarantee a personal, highly confidential, compassionate approach that you can trust to deliver.

The work is personally led by Sally Kemp. Find out more about Sally here.

alemus-doctor-programmes“An approachable facilitator — very good facilitation.”

Junior Doctor

© Alemus Limited | Company no. 08347288 | Registered in England and Wales