In line with our ethos of encouraging independence, we are pleased to offer a variety of bespoke training programmes to our clients around subjects ranging from chairmanship to wellbeing and resilience.

We firmly believe that training is most productive when closely aligned to the needs of the business or service, hence we operate primarily via in-house programmes, designed with you. We provide full materials for participants to use, so that they have an effective set of resources, as well as the confidence to use them.

What can I expect from in-house training?

To start with, we agree the scope of the training, any supporting activities and the dates with you, so that you can select and invite the participants. We run the events for an agreed group size, either as a full day or as two half-days, depending on which is preferable for your business and schedule.

Follow-up support to embed the skills also provides a valuable contribution. This may take the form of an Action Learning Set for a small group, or individual coaching by telephone or in person.

An observation against our own framework before and after the training, with supportive feedback to the individual, also consolidates progress and can be a useful adjunct to attending the training.

Recent examples include:

  • Chairing with Confidence; A one day course for up to twelve participants
  • Facilitating productive conversations; a one day combined course and workshop for up to 24 attendees
  • Supporting wellbeing and resilience in a changing environment; a one day course recommended for a group size of 16 – 20.

Would you like to find out more? Please contact us and we’ll be pleased to discuss your needs.

© Alemus Limited | Company no. 08347288 | Registered in England and Wales