Our team development practice is built around our belief that high performing teams have a strong positive impact on the delivery of effective services. Our support typically includes a bespoke diagnostic to identify the successes and development needs of your team, which are then used to design a workshop and individual support programme as required.

This is underpinned by the carefully integrated use of proven tools such as Myers-Briggs and Lencioni’s work on the dysfunctions of a team. We are also equally happy to work with other tools and in partnership with other agencies where the client has committed to a particular approach.

What can I expect from a team development programme?

We’ll meet with you to understand the opportunities and issues in the team as it stands, and agree a diagnostic approach. Depending on your needs, this may be undertaken via interviews, focus groups or on-line surveys. We’ll then produce a report summarising the strengths of the team, and the primary development needs, which we’ll use with you to design the workshops and any individual support required. We agree a budget with you up front.

Our experience shows that a programme conducted over three to four months can be highly effective, especially when followed up at either six or twelve months to cement progress.

An example of a recent programme

Working with the leadership team for a large mental health service, we developed a shared vision and priorities, undertook action planning, worked on team dynamics and improved decision making. An initial three month programme was followed up with brief support a year later to enable initial progress to be consolidated and momentum maintained. The high level of client satisfaction has led to invitations to support two further teams in the same organisation.

Would you like to find out more? Please click here and we’ll be pleased to discuss your needs.

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